Women’s Circles Bible Studies — The May study is “From Generation to Generation: A Two-Way Blessing”.  Scripture is from Genesis, Exodus, Luke and John. How does one generation work with another – now and in biblical times? What values have we learned from our own mother’s and grandmother’s stories? Have there been any conflicts among age groups? What can be done to nurture two-way blessings between generations? Call the hostess if you wish to attend the circle.

Four Women’s Bible Study Circles will be meeting:

Rebecca Circle will meet Monday, May 13, in the home at 7 p.m.

            Hostess: Liz Ericksen, 651-303-3129    Bible Study Leader: Carol Swanson

Women of the Well Circle will meet Tuesday, May 7, in the home at 9:30 a.m.

            Hostess: Ruth Hagander, 651-484-7394    Leader: Sonja Hagander about her recent trip to Palestine and Israel.

Lydia Circle  will meet in church library on Tuesday, May 14 at 9:30 a.m.

            Hostess: Dana Jacobson, 651-484- 9696      Bible Study Leader: Sharon Rachner

Ruth Circle will meet in the church library on Wednesday, May 8 at 1:30 p.m

            Hostess: Diane Syverson, 612-356-9568    Bible Study Leader, Jean Knaak

Another huge thank you: Esther Tatley, Kim Wetteland and Anne Haugan will be attending the St. Paul Area Synodical Women’s Convention on May 3 and 4.  We will be bringing with us the wonderful collection of Women and Children’s Underwear and Socks for the material offering for Lutheran Social Service.  We will also be delivering a check of $50.00 from the Lydia Circle for the St. Paul Area Women’s Convention offering.  Thank you to our generous women at Prince of Peace.


The magazine of Women of the ELCA “Gather” is used by the Circles for the studies. This magazine offers a mix of articles, theological reflections, devotions and stories of comfort and challenge that help readers grow in faith and engage in ministry and action.  The church has three copies available at the beginning of each month if you would like to try the magazine. Link to Gather Magazine