Adult Forums are now 9:40–10:40. Please join us!

October 6

One of today’s texts is referred to as the shema (“Hear, O Israel!”) found in Deuteronomy 6:4-9. It is the great purpose statement of faith that Israel was to remember and teach and even wear on their bodies. Using this year’s general theme “Listen, Learn, Love” we will explore this great text in table discussion and talk about what it has meant to us and what it could mean for the future of our faith community.

October 13

Marc Prokosh, immigration lawyer (and husband of Pastor Ruth), is returning to share more with us on the immigration issues.

October 20

A Congregational Meeting and Intergenerational Project. No adult forum.

October 27

As we listen to the Old Testament texts about David’s kingship, the divided kingdoms, and the prophetic voice of Elijah, what can we learn from them?

November 3

As we celebrate All Saints Sunday, Marianna Forde will share with us remembrances of Gerhard Forde, seminary professor and husband.