An Update from the Stewardship Committee

April 19, 2020

Dear Friends in Christ,

Today I read that 64 people died last week from Covid-19 and yesterday another 143 new cases were reported in MN. Nationally, the numbers affected are staggering. The stories of those on the front line are scary. We are doing what needs to be done by staying home.

I am staying in place. Brian, Evan and Emily work from home. We miss everyone and sometimes it is mind-blowing how alone it is. Life seems narrow.

In the midst of this, Prince or Peace has been a lifeline. It is my bastion of strength on days when I feel isolated. I can pray with you at noon. Attend service (sometimes with coffee in hand) with you on Sundays. With church I feel connected.

Thank you Pastors Peter, Betsy, Ruth. Every day, you bring me something new to consider, a challenge to be met and prayers to say. I look forward to you joining my day.

Thank you Milt, Chris and all those who volunteer to make our services available.

Thank you Lauren, Taryn, Ben and Elliott for your letters. I love to read them and check the mailbox just in case you’ve sent something new. I promise to keep writing as well.  

For those on the front line, whether as a medical professional, who educate our stay at home students, those who do delivery work or those providing food and supplies for our homes, thank you. There are so many of you – way too numerous to mention. Thank you for the funny stories shared on Facebook.

Deborah Cordes, Stewardship Chair

Thank you for those who continue to gift the church with your donations even though the building is closed. For those who give extra knowing it is needed right now – thank you. Without your generosity, PoP could not complete God’s mission in the world and my world would be more alone.

This is our church family.  I just wanted to say THANK YOU!!