Affordable Housing Team Appreciates Congregation Feedback and Invites Your Input

Based on congregation input from the Virtual Potlucks and the surveys that have been received so far, the Affordable Housing Team has put together the attached draft document and would like congregation input on it.  This is a Request for Information that will help us to select a nonprofit affordable housing developer to work with.  People raised many good questions at the Virtual Potlucks about management, selection of residents, maintenance of the property and other things.  They are not questions that we have the expertise to answer at this time.  The developers have significant experience with building and operating affordable housing with supportive services and can answer these questions.  The Affordable Housing Team incorporated your questions into this document.

The selected developer will help the congregation navigate the decision-making processes with the neighbors and the city.  The developer will be able to answer the congregation’s questions as we move forward with discerning whether to do this project.  Please note that selecting a developer does not commit us to the project, nor does Prince of Peace incur any costs until such time as the congregation would decide whether or not to move forward.  

You are invited to review this document and provide comments or questions to Pastor Betsy at by Tuesday, August 4 at noon.