The pandemic has encouraged all of us to adapt and try new things.  Sometimes this creates new opportunities.  In September we’re discovering how much fun it is to do Sidewalk Sunday School outside.  Maybe you are not able to join us or would like additional things that you can do together as a family. 

At-Home Sunday School gives you the opportunity to spend time together as a family, learning and discussing the Bible story together.  Martin Luther who wrote the Small Catechism felt that parents are the best teachers for the children and that is still true today.  Plus, it will be fun!  Star gazing is not something that we can do together on Sunday morning, but it is something you can do with At-Home Sunday  School.  The story that we focus on is the same one that we are using in online worship–they all go together to help you learn and understand God’s story in a deeper way.

The link for each week’s At-Home Sunday School lesson will be posted here and included in emails from Prince of Peace. 

Plus don’t forget to print and color your Create Your Own Story Bible.

Have questions?  Reach out to Pastor Betsy at