Saturday, October 3; 10:00 – 11:30am

A Zoom meeting of Process & Faith Twin Cities 

The God we seek to worship and the virus we rightly dread are together in this cosmos. How are these two things compatible?

What can process theology teach us about the interconnected nature of God, viruses, and public health? What can we learn going forward?

Discussion Leaders:

  • Jim Hart, M.D. retired general physician. Dr. Hart practiced general internal medicine for 30 years in Stillwater and St. Paul and then taught public health at the UMN School of Public Health for 7 years before his retirement.
  • Rev. Jeanyne Slettom, Process Century Press publisher and retired UCC minister.

Zoom Meeting ID: j/94996337443?pwd=Mzk4azJOMVVUT2ZhZE5xQmExRXRRdz09

Process and Faith Twin Cities is an ecumenical organization of theologians, ministers, and others who are interested in the theological and practical implications of process-relational theology for the well-being of all. Our events are free and open to the public.