Join members of the Affordable Housing Team for a socially distant outdoor conversation on Sunday, Sept. 13 at 4 p.m. (weather permitting).  Bring your own lawn chair and wear a mask.  This will be casual conversation with plenty of time for questions.

The Affordable Housing Team is committed to making this an open and transparent process with the philosophy of doing lots of communicating and listening to people in the congregation.  While the weather is (hopefully) still nice, we wanted to gather outdoors to answer questions and update people on the process.

In August the Team surveyed the congregation – results of the survey were shared in a recently mailing and update on the website.  On a parallel track, the Team also issued a Request for Information to potential nonprofit affordable housing developers.  The goal was to interview the perspective developers and select one to work with on our project.  The feedback we received from the potential developers was that we as a congregation were not quite ready to take that step yet.  Thus the Team is doing more listening, sharing information and planning educational opportunities to help the congregation better understand the challenges of Affordable Housing.

The local PBS station, TPT recently made this video that explains the shortage of affordable housing and some of the reasons why.