On Transfiguration, Peter, James, and John go up the mountain with Jesus and there they see something miraculous.  Moses and Elijah appear on the mountaintop and they hear the voice of God saying, “This is my Son.  The Beloved.  Listen to him.” 

This year we did a drama of the story, using Luke 9:28-36.  Seven people from Prince of Peace put on bible character costumes and acted out the story one at a time in front of the green screen.  Then, through the magic of technology, mountain scenery was added to the background.  Kids sitting on a stool covered by a green cloth were now sitting on a rock on a mountain precipice!  Jesus dazzles and glows in his white robe.  Moses and Elijah appear – juxtaposing Jesus and these biblical greats across time and space.  Through the wonders of technology, we’re able to get a small sense of what that experience must have been like for the 3 disciples with Jesus that day.

Like Peter, we really want to stay there, dwelling in that amazing experience.  But like us, they are seeing a rare glimpse of God and heaven and Easter, but quickly return to the realities of daily life.  This year has been like that for all of us.  Glimpses of hope.  When Covid testing became widely available.  The roll-out of the Covid vaccine.  The day that you get notified you are eligible to receive the vaccine (which may have already happened for you…I hope that by summer it might be my turn).  We cling to these moments of hope, these glimpses of God.  They are what sustains on the hard days, the challenging times. 

With God’s blessing,
Pastor Betsy