Last year I got a hammock – I’d seen people with these nylon hammocks that you can hang between two trees but I’d never tried one.  I didn’t know if I was capable of making knots that would hold me and pictured myself falling to the ground.  Well, I discovered that you don’t have to tie any knots and they are quite easy to hang.  Now “hammocking” is one of the most restorative things that I do.  

Lying in the hammock looking up at a patchwork of green leaves beneath a blue sky is a way to escape time.  To set aside to-do lists and busyness.  To forget about responsibilities and to just be.  To take in God’s creation and to be a part of it.  To enjoy the warmth of sunshine, a slight breeze, the songs of birds, and the croaking of frogs.  To be part of God’s creation.  To quiet yourself.  To be.  

I encourage you to read Psalm 46:10 slowly, pausing between each phrase:

Be still and know that I am God.

Be still and know that I am.

Be still and know.

Be still.  
