Today’s Author: Anne Haugan

It is with gratefulness that our congregation has had Pastor Ruth and Rev. Paul prepare daily devotions. I am not a theologian, but I am an environmentalist and a has-been camper and have been delighted with our summer’s worship theme, ON EARTH. This week we are addressing THE HEAVENS which immediately reminds me of looking Heavenward.

Many a time I have spent magical moments around a campfire in awe of the many twinkling lights above. I recall some special times exploring the night sky:

  • When our family worked at St. Paul YMCA Family Camp du Nord there was an evening program on the beach when one of the dads who was an astronomer pointed out the constellations of the summer night sky. As families, we learned their names and stories about them.
  • Another time when paddling across Iron Lake in the Boundary Waters it seemed like we were paddling straight into the most beautiful, dancing, and colorful aurora borealis.
  • Another experience was on a Women’s Wilderness Adventure at Wilderness Canoe Base. Women were lying on the bridge which connected the two islands of the Camp and were absolutely overwhelmed by the planets and stars they were viewing as they looked heavenward at the billions of twinkling lights in our galaxy.

That evening for devotions we used Psalm 8: 3 “When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars you have established, what are human beings that you are mindful of them?” I think we all believed that evening that it had to be God who could create such magnificent works.

Dear Creator God, maker of the Heavens and Earth. When in doubt, strengthen our belief by looking heavenward. These last few weeks it has been challenging to see the sun by day nor the moon by night because of fires. Please be with the victims of the fires and floods and the thousands of firefighters and rescue workers. Dear Lord, may your creation of Planet Earth and all that is on it be preserved in order that future generations may be inspired to believe by the magic of the Heavens. Amen.

“Mid-week devotions are authored by members of our community.  If you are interested in creating a trio of reflections to be shared on an upcoming Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday contact Pastor Peter.