Today’s Author: Anne Haugan

Photo Credit: Public Domain

From John 1:35 When the disciples Andrew and his brother Simon Peter asked Jesus where he was staying, Jesus answered, “Come and See”. Simon Peter declared “We have found the Messiah”. 

Then when Jesus decided to go to Galilee, he told his disciple Philip to “Follow me”. Philip and Nathaniel followed Jesus and Philip said, “We have found Jesus,  the son of Joseph from Nazareth in whom Moses and the prophets wrote.”  Nathaniel said, “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” Philip responded, “Come and See”. 

The disciples had new adventures – leaving their previous vocations as they followed Jesus. How have you been called to begin a new adventure whether it be starting a new career or as a volunteer or in a leadership position? Sometimes the adventures of following Jesus may be good and sometimes not so good – sometimes even risky. But you responded! How can we reply to the invitation from Jesus to “Come and Follow”? 

I like the song:
I have heard my people cry . . . Who will bear my light to them?  
Whom shall I send? 
Here I am, Lord . . . I will go, Lord, if you lead me . . .” 

We can also reply from our hearts to the invitation of Jesus to “Come and Follow.”  In Sunday School we used to sing: 
“Come into my heart, Come into my heart, 
Come into my heart, Lord Jesus. 
Come in today, come In to stay, 
Come into my heart, Lord Jesus.” 

Dear God, as we begin the New Year may we take the opportunity to recommit our lives to God. We are thankful for our baptism which forever made us a Child of God. We invite the Holy Spirit into our lives to guard and protect us and always be with us. Let us remember that at each time of discouragement,  tragedy, that God is with us – the Holy Spirit is there to support and guide us. We pray that our faith adventures will be sustained with the promise of God’s love and the Holy Spirit’s support and guidance. Come and see, Amen.

Mid-week devotions are authored by members of our community.  If you are interested in creating a trio of reflections to be shared on an upcoming Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, contact Pastor Peter.