Photo by Joseph Greve on Unsplash

It is the 63rd day of March…or so it feels like.  Even though the calendar says May and the season is called spring, we’re still talking about windchill.  When will spring actually come?

It is so easy for us to focus on what we don’t have but there are two ways to look at anything.  The glass half empty or the glass half full.  We could say things aren’t the way they were before the pandemic and the church has fewer people here on Sunday mornings than it used to. 

Or we can say we have learned so much during the past two years and now we are able to reach more people, both in person and online. 

It is all a matter of perspective.

In the story found in John 21:1-14, Peter the disciples aren’t sure what to do so Peter suggests going fishing.  After all that is what they did prior to knowing Jesus.  Unfortunately, they work all night and catch nothing.  Then someone (it is Jesus, but they don’t realize it yet) suggest throwing the net out on the other side of the boat.  A seemingly crazy suggestion but they try it and are inundated with fish!

Going back to the way things used to be is not really possible.  Living in the moment and using our God-given gifts is a more realistic way to live.  We have been asking questions this winter about who we are and what are our values.  A key value for Prince of Peace is generosity, as illustrated by this story.  Think about how is God calling you individually and us collectively to be generous.  How are we called within this community of faith and within the broader community?  I encourage you to think about this and pray about this this week. 

Good and gracious God, you provide for us and demonstrate what it looks like to live in abundance and not in scarcity.  Help us to see that abundance and give to others with generous hearts.  In Jesus’ name, amen.