Today’s Author: Christer Cederberg

Yesterday I asked you to ponder the ideas of someone who did not want to pay the costs for children since he did not have any children. He lit a fire inside me, so I drafted a response that I faxed to the paper.  (No emails back then).  A few days later, on Sunday, February 26, 1995, the paper prominently published my response on the back page of the first section with a color picture of kids playing.  I bet that is the biggest readership I’ve ever had.

Let us pray…

O God, Educate us all. Let us understand so that we can pass the truth to others. Let us understand also what we do not understand so that we do not spread falsehoods.  Amen

Picture text: For joy and benefit.  How would we manage without children?

Headline: We all need children

In an article in Wednesday’s DN, L. Backlund says that “Costs for children are not the responsibility of childless people” and concludes by asking “… should we have to pay again when it becomes relevant, e.g. for elderly care”.

I hope the post was a normally stupid idea based on a lack of knowledge that a society always needs children to function. Societies where the population pyramid for various reasons becomes top-heavy function very poorly. The elderly finds it very difficult to both be caregivers and be cared for. Therefore, the childless also should contribute to the children’s preparation to serve society and provide for the elderly in various ways.

If Backlund still does not want to contribute to the cost of children, such as schools, healthcare, childcare, etc., then I unfortunately must propose the following. All work for and with the elderly, which generally is handled by younger individuals who have previously been children, must be restricted. Only persons with children, i.e. those who have contributed time, love, money, and many times renounced luxury, may receive services from those who have previously been children. The childless must rely on services from those who have never been children. 

The childless then have no right to use the professional skills for which we with children paid. When Backlund’s childless peers get older and their health is in trouble, they do not ask the doctor but instead ask their friends at the retirement home for advice. He or she dresses himself – as long as the clothes last. The pension payment is handled by a computer that has never been a child, but the mailman refuses to deliver the letter. Of course, those who want children but for various reasons can’t would be excluded from this cruel treatment.

Please Backlund, children bring joy to your old age in many ways, and they are not free!

C Cederberg

Mid-week devotions are authored by members of our community.  If you are interested in creating a trio of reflections to be shared on an upcoming Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, contact Pastor Peter.