Here is a summary of the topics discussed and action taken at the July 12 meeting of congregation council:

  • Financial Status – Your response to our appeal for one-time gifts to cover a projected loss for the past fiscal year has been strong – THANK YOU!  To date, the projected deficit has been reduced from a projected $30K to about $13K.   Final year-end adjustments remain to be completed and will include any additional gifts that are earmarked for deficit reduction.
  • Daycare Work Group Update – A lease agreement between Hearts & Minds Learning Community and Prince of Peace has been drafted and is awaiting final review and signature. Hearts & Minds proposes to operate a specialized pre-school in the lower level of the church during the coming school year. The draft states an occupancy date of August 15, 2022 and a monthly rent of $1,200 for a part of the available space.
  • Congregation Vice President – The council accepted the resignation of Michael Ashworth as the congregation’s Vice President and will be asking the Nominating Committee to recruit a replacement to serve until the next scheduled election next January. We ask that you prayerfully consider offering your services, particularly if you have prior experience as a congregation council member. If you feel called to serve or would like to learn more, please contact Pastor Peter.
  • Liberating Structures, Vision – The council had a wide-raging discussion about how to go engage our congregation in the process of reshaping our vision. The best way to do this seems to be in small group discussions, using existing committees and groups as well as new groups. Look for more information soon.
  • Children, Youth & Family Ministry Challenges – There was discussion concerning the feedback received by a survey of PoP families which Pastor Betsy conducted in early June.  The responses received from 15 families substantiate the concerns many are having around the vibrancy and sustainability of our existing CYF ministries.  While the challenges we are facing are rooted long before Covid hit, the last two years have certainly accelerated and amplified them.  Determining next steps has been complicated by Pastor’s Betsy’s need to pull back from her responsibilities to tend to her family.  Our faith formation ministries hold a primary importance for the church and the council committed to keeping this need central in our visioning and organizational work to follow.