It is with celebration that we share the news that the Habitat home at 1297 Woodbridge that was worked on by Prince of Peace and other local volunteers closed on July 28, 2022.

The home was purchased by Ta Kwe Htoo and Sa Eh See.

Here is the information about the family that was provided to Habitat by the new owners when they were still looking for a home: We are a family of 4 looking for a house that we can proudly call home. Our kids have been asking for a place where they can play outdoor. My wife has always been interested in having a small vegetable plot in the back yard.

What do you enjoy as a family?
We’d like to drive around in a car and listen to music. We enjoy playing outdoors and it’d be awesome to have our own backyard and grill and invite friends over.

What do you do at work?
I work at Community Action Head Start and my title is Health Information Specialist. I do date entry and I make sure that pre-school kids are up to date with all their health related stuff in order to be in compliance with program requirements.

Where are you from?
I’m from Burma(Myanmar) and we’ve been living here for about 15 years.

Why is homeownership important to you?
It’s financially good in the long run. It’s just a good feeling that you will own it one day and have equity rather than renting. We can customize our home the way we want to.

How did you hear about Habitat?
Co-worker who bought the house via Habitat and website.

Message to Donors & Volunteers
Habitat is great for a family like us. They offer great training and affordable homes and a lot of resources. I’m not sure if we’ll be able to afford the home in this current housing market without Habitat’s program.

Thank you to everyone who helped support the building of this house!

If you have questions about Habitat for Humanity reach out to Prince of Peace member, Chris Henningson for more information.