by Carol Swanson

One of the more sobering and passionate adult forums we had this fall was on November 20, when our guest, Ron Letnes (Rev. Dr.) shared about ENGAGE, one of the St. Paul Synod Public Witness Committees. Their mission is “to meditate on, educate about, and advocate for gun violence prevention in the non-violent Spirit of Jesus.” 

It was an important forum coming just hours after the mass shooting at the LBGTQ nightclub in Colorado Springs. Ron spoke passionately, meditating on the Biblical precepts that show the nonviolent will of God, and that violence comes from human choice. His data provided strong, clear evidence to understand the political, economic, and social issues (including mental health), which sparked lively discussion and comments at the forum. 

He also offered much hope as he outlined some of the common-sense gun laws ENGAGE is advocating. Because of Minnesota’s election results giving control of our state house and senate to the Democrats, we are in a unique position these next two years to pass gun safety legislation. ENGAGE provides excellent resources for each of us as people of faith to be responsible citizens caring for our communities. The handout of ENGAGE Table Talk II is available, along with this forum, on our website.