Today’s author is Prince of Peace member, Deb Cordes.

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I was sketching out ideas for these devotions last Friday. My grandloves were with me asking the usual questions. “What is a devotion?” It’s thoughts, stories and usually a prayer. “What’s a prayer?” You know how we take time to talk to God? That’s prayer. “How come we don’t get to write prayer?” Good question.

So, from the mouths of a 3 and 4 year old:

“God, please take care of my family (name all the names of your family); bless the animals (name all the pets); bless my aunts, uncles, cousins, nanas and papas (name all the names). Could you bless all the animals in the world? How about the zoos, playground, library, books, playground – the indoor ones. I want to add my friends (name and names). I want the teachers (name the names). And the Sparks God.”

 Why the Spark Bible God – it’s the same God. “I know that but He needs someone too.” Enough said.
