Saturday, April 22; 8:00am – 4:00pm

Gloria Dei Lutheran Church | 700 Snelling Ave So. St. Paul, MN

Theme: Come and See. . . John 1:39

The Keynote Speaker is Dr. Kelly Sherman-Conroy, who is a Native American Theologian who walks with people of all cultures. Her Lakota people have a saying, “Mitákuye Oyás’iŋ el changleska wiconi:” “We are all related in this circle of life.”

Schedule of the Day-
8:00am Registration
8:30am Plenary
10:30am Worship with Communion
11:30am Lunch with Keynote Speaker (Clusters encouraged to sit together)
1:00pm Learning Session 1 (4 choices)
2:00pm Learning Session 2 (4 choices)
3:00pm Bible Study
4:00pm Closing Worship and installation

Visitor registrations due April 1, 2023. We need a food count by this date.
Pre-registration for Visitors is not required but would be appreciated for planning purposes.
No meals are available for Visitors not pre-registered.

Registration forms can be found on the table in the narthex.

(Graphics drawn by Sue Wehrenberg, Trinity Lutheran in Lindstrom, inspired by a continuous line drawing of mother and child credited to Tetiana Garkusha.)