March 30, 2023

Campus Planning Task Force Created

At its regular March meeting, the Congregation Council passed a motion to create a Campus Planning Task Force (CPTF) to work on three questions:

1.         Phase One What needs to be done with our current interim tiny settlement to satisfy the compliance issues raised by the city of Roseville?

2.         Phase Two Does a permanent tiny home settlement fit our vision of how our land and facilities are best used to fulfill our mission to build the church and love the world?

3.         Phase Three What is our long-range vision for how our campus should be used?  What ministries will be our main focus and how should our campus be developed to support those ministries?

Last Sunday, March 26, PoP members interested in serving on the CPTF met after church to discuss how this task force will be formed. Twelve of those present said they would serve on a core group.  Several others present said they would work as needed on specific areas, such as finance or building issues.  Consensus of those present was that any PoP member willing to work on these issues is welcome to participate, and that every attempt will be made to keep our congregation informed and involved.

Task Force Work

Please note that although the CPTF work will be organized around these three phases, they will overlap.  Phase one, responding to the City of Roseville’s code concerns, is obviously the first task, but a phase two activity, examining some of the pros and cons of a permanent sacred settlement, has also begun.  This discussion will include any questions and concerns raised by congregation members as well as analysis of finances and other factors.  The long-range planning, phase three, began at the meeting last Sunday as the group brainstormed to create an initial list of possible uses of our campus.

State Legislation Advances

HF 1872 and SF 2471 have passed out of committee and are now included in an omnibus bill, whose passage appears hopeful.  The current versions contain code requirements which Prince of Peace and the City of Roseville have agreed to follow as a condition of extending our use as a sacred settlement.  If passed, the legislation would take effect Jan. 1, 2024.

Meeting with Roseville City Officials  

On Wednesday, March 29, Michael Stetzler, Pastor Peter, and attorney Evan Berquist met with city officials to discuss next steps to resolve issues related to compliance with city code. 

Prince of Peace agreed to take certain steps and city officials agreed to present options for extending our interim settlement to the city council, which must make the decision. Here are the steps the Prince of Peace has agreed to take:

1.         File an application for an interim use permit to allow our interim settlement to continue for a longer time so that plans to reach a permanent solution can be developed.

2.         Plan an “open house” to inform our neighbors about our interim settlement.  This step is required to use the interim use permitting process.  The city will notify neighbors within 500 feet of the property on which the tiny homes are located, and we must hold an open meeting to tell them our story and hear their input.  This meeting must occur before April 24 to meet the deadlines.

Next Steps for Prince of Peace

1.         File an application for an interim use permit. (immediate)

2.         Work with staff and volunteers from Settled to determine what work needs to be done to meet the new code requirement (SF 2471). (soon and ongoing.  The work does not have to be completed by May 5, but we want to show a good faith effort.)

3.         Order a survey of the property line.  The permitting process requires mapping which must establish the property line by a survey.

How to be involved

The Campus Planning Task Force will be officially appointed soon.  At that time names of members will be published, and you are encouraged to discuss any issues with them.  In the meantime, please reach out to Michael Stetzler with any questions.  He can be reached at 651-347-7732 or