Today’s author is Prince of Peace member, Deb Cordes.

“The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a wedding feast.” Sounds good – sounds yummy! “The servants went out to those who had been invited to tell them to come, but they refuse.” What giving up free food and wine!? Yet again, the servants fill in the details to entice the invited to come. “I have prepared my dinner. My oxen and fatted cattle have been butchered, and everything is ready. Come to the feast.” Who could refuse that invitation? I’d go….wouldn’t I?

Photo by Maria Thalassinou on Unsplash

“But they paid no attention and went off” to various other choices. Wait. Have I refused the invitation? Am I ready to be hungry to avoid being involved? If so, oh well. HOWEVER, those invited were worse than me. “The rest seized his servants, mistreated them and killed them.” I would never hurt someone else. Well perhaps my wagging tongue might have hurt someone’s feelings. THEN retribution: “The king was enraged. He sent his army and destroyed those murders and burned their city.” Holy cow! Wait! What!

The reading starts on such a high note, I can totally relate! The darkness at the story goes on makes me nervous. Who will be invited and, if invited, would they respond? I wonder if those who use the Bible for their own hurtful, negative agenda are like those who refuse to come. I read the news of laws that are enacted as God’s will that deprive my brothers and sisters from the basic human needs –  access to medicine, mental health not to mention the right to be who they are as children of God.

My heart bleeds for those affected but what is my role in changing their burden? Am I being invited to join with the affected and let my voice and actions sanctioning what the “righteous” are doing to control others? Are my prayers enough? With all my other commitments, do I have the room to voice my concerns and support the disaffected? Just this week, I will continue to pray and write a few legislators requesting they take on the change needed to protect. I will hear the disaffected cry:

‘Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen. Nobody knows but Jesus.’ This spiritual seems to say it best.

Dear God, please hear my cry to help those disaffected from the most basic human rights. Change the hearts of those whose actions do not shine your light of love and mercy. Please help me to be the agent of your will and be willing to step into the fray to protect those who need it most. Please let me be invited.