Today’s author is Prince of Peace member, Deb Cordes.

Ok, now the tough question. While I talk about others…..what about me?

Is it I, Lord? I am mostly sinner with a little bit of saint. I know I have not always done as you would have me do. When we confess our sins, my list is long. Sometimes so long, I run out of time before being hearing I am forgiven by your grace. I am sure others feel as I do. Will I be invited? I have been invited. I know this theoretically but sometimes, I wonder…..

Am I up to being invited? I know I will let you down time after time. I also know in my heart, you continue to bless and forgive. Yet, sometimes, I wonder…..have I done enough or have I refused the invitation? Not by my actions but my grace alone. I keep coming back to those words when I fail. They are a comfort and a blessing. God, please keep inviting me.
