The Sunday Forum on Sunday, May 14 will provide an opportunity to hear about the work of the Campus Planning Task Force and to offer feedback and input to the Task Force as it does its work.

The Task Force was authorized by the Congregation Council to work on the following tasks:

  • Satisfying compliance issues raised by the City of Roseville with our current interim tiny home settlement.
  • Explore and make recommendations as to whether or not a permanent Sacred Settlement is a good use of our land and facilities to accomplish our mission or if there are other better ways to do our ministry.
  • What is our long-range vision for how our campus should be used?  What ministries will be our main focus and how should our campus be developed to support those ministries?

There are no predetermined answers to these questions.  Any recommendations by the Task Force will be brought to the congregation for consideration and if needed, vote.  The Task Force will be working on a “Master Plan” for Prince of Peace.  The Adult Forum is one of many upcoming opportunities for congregational participation in this process.