Springtime Courage

The irises in my flower beds started growing this week. In just a few days, the shoots have extended almost a foot out of the ground. Has spring really sprung or will another cold snap steal away the joy that is emerging at my front step? It’s a question that resonates deeply with the life of faith. Just as the irises tentatively push through the soil, we too may feel hesitant in our own faith journeys, uncertain of whether the promise of new life will truly be fulfilled.


In the stillness of a serene pond, amidst murky waters, emerges the Lotus, a symbol of purity and enlightenment. Just as the Lotus rises above the muddiness of its surroundings, so too does our faith in a post-resurrection world.

Morning Glory

In the quiet hours before dawn, as the world awakens to the promise of a new day, the Morning Glory unfurls its delicate petals, greeting the sun with radiant beauty. Like the Morning Glory, our lives are a testament to the transformative power of faith in a post-resurrection world.

New Beginnings

As the vibrant colors of spring will soon burst forth and the fragrance of flowers begins to fill the air, we are reminded of the beauty of new life and the promise of renewal. In this season of resurrection, we’ll be initiating a spiritual awakening, exploring the theme of “Return to the Garden” in our post-Easter worship series.

Four Years Ago

There’s been a recurring question popping up a fair mount lately, “are you better off today than you were four years ago?” The questioners of course are trying to make comparisons between the leadership of our country and between two very different administrations. In trying to answer the question, we’re quick to remember that four years ago, the world was firmly in the grasp of a pandemic primarily defined by unknowns and uncertainties. For our devotion today, I offer the concluding passage of the sermon that I preached for Easter morning, four years ago: