Costly Love

Last week it was the Pharisees that came to test Jesus.  They had asserted themselves, in concert with the civic ruling authorities, to be the primary arbiters over the theological integrity of religious practice.  And they didn’t much appreciate Jesus’ challenging their traditions, let alone their theology.  Change, especially when it’s prompted by others, can be a threatening catalyst.

Grace Ain’t So Cheap

In reflecting on the profound writings of Dietrich Bonhoeffer that were shared on Wednesday, we are invited into a deeper understanding of what it truly means to live as disciples of Christ. Bonhoeffer’s journey toward faith led him through the realization that true faith is not found in striving to live a saintly life apart from the world, but rather in fully engaging with the complexities and challenges of life itself.

Whose World Is It?

As we journey through this Lenten season, we find ourselves walking alongside Jesus, witnessing the profound depth of his teachings and the sacrifices inherent in discipleship. In yesterday’s lessons from Mark’s gospel, Jesus uses with the parable of the vineyard owner and the tenants and an encounter with the Pharisees regarding taxes to show us the way of discipleship. These passages reveal a weighty responsibility placed upon us as followers of Jesus.

Shared Suffering

On Wednesday, we gathered again for mid-week evening prayer and to listen to another saint and martyr of the church as together we considered the cost of discipleship.  This week we encountered the profound reflections of Sister Teresa Benedicta.  She was born Jewish but converted to Catholicism, eventually becoming a Carmelite nun.   Her life as a devout Christian did not spare her from the horrors of the holocaust, and she was killed at Auschwitz in 1942.

Transforming Love

This past Wednesday we began our Lent Wednesday worship series, “Considering the Cost.” Each week the writings of a contemporary saint and martyr of the church are being shared. To start things off, we reflected on a powerful message delivered by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. during a Lenten sermon. As we listened in, we were reminded of the profound truth that love transcends all boundaries and obstacles. In his stirring sermon, Dr. King illuminated the transformative power of love, urging us to embrace Jesus’ command to love our enemies.